Thursday, September 19, 2024

Pray With Your Feet

Civil disobedience to halt the assault by the oil and gas industry is an act of faith for retired Episcopal Bishop George Packard.

Dealing with Climate Change Deniers

“Whatever the source of an individual’s climate denial, the question is how those of us who aren’t experts can engage in constructive dialogue with deniers.”

Obama Administration Approves Pipeline Expansion Set to Feed First Ever Fracked Gas LNG Export...

The Gulf Trace pipeline has recently been secretly approved by the Obama administration and will be carrying fracked gas which will later be exported globally. Why was the public not informed?

TransCanada’s Next Move After Keystone XL: Flood Mexico with Fracked Gas with State Department...

Though the Mexican government publicly denied the U.S. had any involvement in helping to usher in privatization of Mexico's energy sector, it appears the State Department has tracked gas pipeline developments in Mexico closely.

SeaWorld Agrees to End Killer Whale Shows in San Diego

Blaming public outrage and dwindling attendance, SeaWorld will phase out the signature killer whale shows at its San Diego theme park next year. But why will killer whale shows at its Orlando and San Antonio theme parks continue?

BREAKING: President Obama Rejects Keystone XL

It is a huge day for environmental activism. The years of tireless hard work and activism against the controversial Keystone XL pipeline have paid off. President Obama has rejected the pipeline once and for all.

VIDEO: Have Protests Killed the Keystone XL? TransCanada Asks US for Delay in Face...

TransCanada recently asked the Obama administration to hold off on a decision regarding Keystone XL until after the 2016 election. Is TransCanada hoping the next White House occupant is a Republican and the dirty pipeline will be approved?

Hillary Clinton Voices Support for Federal Investigation of ExxonMobil

At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton said that she is in support of the Department of Justice investigating ExxonMobil. Her stance: There is a lot of evidence that ExxonMobil purposefully mislead the American public on climate change.

Death by Fracking

One man-made process that could drive human species to possible extinguish is fracking. While Wall Street bankers and hedge fund managers are profiting from this cycle of destruction, humans are suffering.

Here’s How We Know Cheap Renewable Energy Is Taking the World by Storm (Video)

Renewables are making money for corporations and saving consumers money. This is a recipe for massive growth.