Thursday, September 19, 2024

Obama Administration Approves Pipeline Expansion Set to Feed First Ever Fracked Gas LNG Export...

The Gulf Trace pipeline has recently been secretly approved by the Obama administration and will be carrying fracked gas which will later be exported globally. Why was the public not informed?

Wildfire smoke is more toxic than other forms of air pollution, study finds

“Anything we can do today to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stabilize the global climate system will have significant benefits.”

The Supreme Court’s Clean Water Act decision threatens the nation’s rivers

Leaving river protections to states doesn’t make sense when rivers cross state lines.

Top 10 Ways to Prove You Love the Earth on Earth Day

While environmentalism meant something different in 1970 than it does now, Juan Cole discusses the 10 ways you can prove you love the earth as we raise awareness about climate change on Earth Day.

Why the oil industry’s pivot to carbon capture and storage – while it keeps...

Meanwhile, proven biological solutions with multiple benefits have received far less attention.

Four environmental fights on the 2020 ballot

Across the country, voters will weigh in on ballot measures to decide issues like wolf reintroduction, taxes on oil companies, and renewable energy standards.

The hopeful return of polar whales

The scale of this industrial harvest completely decimated many populations of large whales in the Southern Ocean.

How to truly ‘build back better’ on climate

The Build Back Better program isn’t just inadequate on climate—it may be a disaster. Here’s what movements are demanding next.

Congress-backed Interstate Oil Commission Call Cops When Reporter Arrives to Ask About Climate

When Steve Horn arrived at the Oklahoma City headquarters of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) for an interview, he was greeted by police—a tactic for the group's propensity for secrecy when it comes under scrutiny.

2020 was a terrible year for climate disasters, but there are reasons for hope...

With 2020 left behind, there is hope in facing the climate crisis, for movement toward a just transition to an equitable low-carbon world.