Saturday, September 7, 2024

Here Are the Republicans Who Blocked Flint Assistance but Received Disaster Aid for Their...

These Republicans have received federal disaster aid in the past for their own states, but claim the Flint crisis is the responsibility of state and local authority.

Newly Released Study Shows Tie Between Fracking Water and Earthquakes

The new study shows that wastewater disposal, when injected into wells underground, can cause a build up of pressure that can lead to earthquakes.

If There Are No New Farmers, Who Will Grow Our Food?

Programs across the country are trying to make it easier for new farmers to get started and put down roots. Here's why: There's only one farmer under 35 for every six over 65. By 2030, one-quarter of America's current farmers will retire.

Inmates in Flint Forced to Consume and Use Contaminated Water for Months

Genesee County inmates were given bottled water for five days, then told it was safe to consume tainted tap water again.

The Atlantic Ocean Is Acidifying at a Rapid Rate

A new study finds it’s absorbing 50 percent more carbon than it was a decade ago, and that could have dire consequences for dolphins, whales, and other marine life.

Army of Lobbyists Push LNG Exports, Methane Hydrates, Coal in Senate Energy Bill

A newly introduced bill includes provisions that would expedite the liquefied natural gas (LNG) export permitting process, heap subsidies on coal technology, and fund research geared toward discovering a way to tap into methane hydrate reserves.

The Pipeline Strikes Back: The Audacity of TransCanada’s $15B Suit Against the U.S.

The political saga of the Keystone XL pipeline is like a real-life version of The Force Awakens. So why are we giving the Dark Side even more power?

What Really Poisoned the Water in Flint, Michigan

Flint reveals that there is a much deeper contamination poisoning our country's political morals: namely, an insidious right-wing belief that poor people (particularly people of color who are poor) are underserving moochers whose misfortunes can be ignored.

The World’s Largest Temperate Rainforest Has Just Been Saved

An agreement preserves British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest, home to the rare spirit bear and other wildlife, but allows some logging.

Noise Pollution May Be Harming the World’s Most Endangered Killer Whales

A new study shows that the din from large ships matches the frequencies used by Pacific Northwest orcas to find food and communicate with one another.