Saturday, September 7, 2024

People’s Climate March, taking climate change to Trump’s door step

Trump spent his 100th day attacking those who criticized him – hundreds of thousands of citizens spent it together in the streets to send a message back to him.

US legislation to hold global shipping industry accountable for climate and air pollution introduced...

“This is a big step forward for climate smart ports and a clean energy future for every community.”

Big Meat’s aggressive campaign at COP28 a strategic push to influence climate policy

The aim is clear: To disseminate a pro-meat message throughout the summit, countering growing environmental concerns.

Hidden carbon subsidies will destroy us

Western governments have been heavily subsidizing their own fossil-fuel industries even as they exhort much poorer countries to do more to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.

Wilderness cuts the risk of extinction for species in half

Wilderness areas buffer species against the risk of extinction, reducing it by more than half, a new study shows.Places with lots of...

Monsanto ‘commands’ civic group to turn in all communications over glyphosate

"There are millions of people around the world who have a deep and genuine concern that Monsanto's glyphosate is making us and our environment sick."

Bernie Sanders Fires Back Against Hillary Clinton’s False Accusations

Sanders’ campaign is responding to Clinton's accusations that they lied about her receiving money from the fossil fuel industry.

At COP26, Indigenous, black, and brown activists offer radical solutions for climate change

While elites fixate on technological fixes such as “net zero” emissions, communities of color fear it will disproportionately impact them and instead demand a just phasing out of oil and gas—and a seat at the table.

The big, dirty money behind the California wildfires

It turns out that climate destruction isn’t just a terrible long-term investment, in many cases—as our state burns north, south, east, and west—it’s a terrible short-term investment too.

Dow Chemical pushes Trump administration to scrap pesticide study

Dow donated $1 million to the presidential inauguration and the company's CEO, Liveris, leads Trump's advisory council on manufacturing.