Monday, September 16, 2024

Indigenous Youth Occupy Hillary Clinton Campaign Headquarters to Demand She Take Stand on DAPL

While Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, has come out against the pipeline, Hillary Clinton has so far refused to take a stance.

Ding-Dong! Goldman Sachs Just Ate Denmark For Breakfast

A battle has been lost for democracy and accountability, while the pockets of the rich and powerful have grown further.

Ethiopia plants 350 million trees in one day

Ethiopia has planted over 350 million trees as part of a national “green legacy” initiative to plant and grow 4 billion trees...

EPA head continues to defend Trump’s historic mistake

By withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, Scott Pruitt and Donald Trump are turning their backs on American families, eating away at America's global leadership and standing alone on the wrong side of history.

Lament for Humanity: A 50 Year Reflection

“I am not going to get another 50 years to try to create the world of peace, justice and sustainability for which many of us strive but I am going to use every single moment of the time I have left.”

Climate activists bring insurgent message to Exxon shareholder meeting: #ExxonKnew, it’s time to #MakeThemPay

“It’s time Exxon pay for its destruction. For years, I've seen the rise of extreme oil and gas extraction – fracking and tar sands – and increasingly extreme weather events of the climate crisis.

What do aerosols in the Arctic mean for its future?

Regardless of their origin, Arctic aerosols will definitely play a role in the future of climate change.

Plastic pollution in waterways likely to more than double by 2030, poses dire threat...

"This assessment provides the strongest scientific argument to date for the urgency to act, and for collective action to protect and restore our oceans from source to sea."

Lead exposure linked to 412,000 premature deaths in US each year

"Lead represents a leading cause of disease and death, and it is important to continue our efforts to reduce environmental lead exposure."

Decimation of the rainforests and the money men

A completely new approach to so-called development as part of far reaching systemic change is urgently needed.