Thursday, September 19, 2024

Kelsey Juliana v. U.S.: Meet the young woman suing the federal government over the...

Kelsey Juliana, lead plaintiff in Juliana v. United States, the landmark youth climate lawsuit against the U.S. government speaks with Democracy Now!

A Bioengineered Tree Could Revive America’s Once-Vast Chestnut Forests

Scientists discover a gene that makes chestnuts resistant to a fungus that killed off billions of trees that provided food and shelter for wildlife.

Small steps against climate change

Let’s start thinking about ways such as this to stop necessary waste.

Did senators rush through Rick Perry’s energy dept hearing to attend corporate-sponsored inaugural lunch?

It looks like Perry has the votes necessary to become the next Secretary of Energy.

Biden plans to cut U.S. climate pollution in half by 2030

“We cannot preach temperance from a barstool and not pay our fair share when approximately 40% of all the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is red, white and blue.”

‘Divest The Globe’ protests urge banks to cut ties with fossil fuels

“The system is not going to break people down. We will stand stronger together no matter the distance.”

Biden to restore protections to three national monuments cut by Trump

Biden will expand Bears Ears and the Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments in what is now Utah.

More US residents than ever before understand climate crisis is real and dangerous

There is a growing awareness that the extreme weather events of recent years are caused by the climate crisis, with an all-time high of 70 percent of people believing that global warming is impacting U.S. weather right now.

What is our land for?

Should we graze it, log it, drill it, and mine it? Or should we preserve it, study it, recreate in it, and revere it?