Saturday, September 7, 2024

Yellowstone Planning on Killing 900 Bison

To prevent overpopulation and overgrazing, hundreds of Bison are slaughtered every year at Yellowstone National Park.

Portland to Be Home to World’s First Vegan Supermarket Chain

Veganz is the world's first all-vegan supermarket chain. By the end of 2016 they will have 14 stores open around the world.

Why We Need to Keep 80 Percent of Fossil Fuels in the Ground

Life depends on it. Bill McKibben on the big changes we’ve already made in remarkably short order.

Affordable Grocery Store Goes Organic And Bans Toxic Chemicals From Their Products

Aldi currently only has select stores open in the US, but roughly 500 more stores will be built in the US over the next two years as part of a $3 billion expansion.

An Animal Has Died at SeaWorld Every Month Since November

Thirty-eight orcas and at least 58 belugas have died on SeaWorld’s watch, along with more than a hundred dolphins.

Stomping on Our Constitutional Rights

Several states have made it a crime to record corporate animal abusers in the act.

150,000 Penguins Die After Huge Iceberg Blocks Route to Sea

The giant iceberg, the size of Rome, had apparently been floating close to the coast for 20 years before crashing into a glacier and becoming stuck.

Obama Just Protected 1.8 Million Acres of Desert. Here’s What They Look Like

The three new national monuments in California’s Mojave Desert region link up important wildlife habitats.

Ecuador Set to Sell One Third of Pristine Rainforest to Chinese Oil Companies

Ecuador is in the midst of talks to sell one-third of pure, untouched rainforest to Chinese oil companies despite environmental impact and protests from indigenous people.

There’s No Fracking That Can Be Done Safely

It is time everyone joins together in building the renewable energy future.