Thursday, September 19, 2024

The global People’s Climate Marches were massive. Here’s what organizers have planned next.

Pipeline fights, legal challenges and elections are driving the next phase of the climate resistance.

Minnesotans rally to ‘Hold the Line’ against an Enbridge pipeline project

Indigenous people aren’t the only ones opposed to the plan.

Voter suppression is the new climate denial

Will the proposed Freedom to Vote Act, John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act or any other version of voting-rights legislation currently stalled in Congress and the Senate solve these problems?

How Northwest communities are stopping big oil projects

Last week, a Washington state energy panel voted unanimously to oppose what would be the nation’s largest oil-by-rail terminal.

Fast transition to renewable energy could save $12 trillion by 2050

“The world is facing a simultaneous inflation crisis, national security crisis, and climate crisis, all caused by our dependence on high cost, insecure, polluting, fossil fuels with volatile prices.”

Young climate activists at Davos want fossil fuel execs to ‘cease and desist’ new...

“I just think it sends a message of where we’re headed right now, if we’re putting the heads of fossil fuel companies to lead climate negotiations.”

What should we do with the perpetrators of the climate crisis?

Once we learn to wage a nonviolent revolution that replaces the economic elite with a democracy, I believe we will be ready to move fast.

Reminder: Climate change was no accident

The Exxon Mobil executives who’ve profited from fossil fuels did so while knowing that they were trading a few decades of profits for the entire future of the planet and all of the species on it.

Every Oklahoma County under state of emergency as historically wet spring continues

"We still have water still rising in the east. We are not out of the woods yet."

A Bioengineered Tree Could Revive America’s Once-Vast Chestnut Forests

Scientists discover a gene that makes chestnuts resistant to a fungus that killed off billions of trees that provided food and shelter for wildlife.