Thursday, September 19, 2024

New study finds climate change denial received disproportionate media coverage for decades

"Rather than marginalize self-interested voices and give prominence to expert voices, these papers did just the opposite."

US electric bills could increase 8% this summer amid rising temperatures

Households could pay an average of $719 from June through September, according to a report.

Shot with rubber bullets, hospitalized, jailed: Line 3 protester Tara Houska decries police attack

20 water protectors were brutally arrested in Minnesota as resistance to the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline continues.

Top Five Green Energy Breakthroughs Today (Video)

Switching to sustainable energy sources such as wind and solar power is necessary to save the planet from the negative effects of global warming. Here are the top five breakthroughs the world's experienced today.

Biden vows to ax Keystone XL if elected

His announcement Monday was met with enthusiasm by pipeline opponents.

UN report says up to 850,000 animal viruses could be caught by humans, unless...

Rather than prioritising the prevention of pandemic outbreaks, governments around the world primarily focus on responding.

The climate flames come for us all

This month’s western megafires have burned millions of acres and upended countless lives. It’s a sign of things to come if we don’t start to listen and act.

US oil-linked pressure group attacks EU green policies, breaks lobbying rules

It appears that Consumer Choice Center’s activity puts it in breach of EU transparency rules, which require lobbyists to declare their activities on the EU Transparency Register. 

Native people and allies pledge to stop Keystone XL

Native peoples have a legal, moral, spiritual and inherent right to be caretakers of the planet.

SeaWorld Agrees to End Killer Whale Shows in San Diego

Blaming public outrage and dwindling attendance, SeaWorld will phase out the signature killer whale shows at its San Diego theme park next year. But why will killer whale shows at its Orlando and San Antonio theme parks continue?