Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Youth demand US action on climate-induced loss and damage in global south

"We are a generation that doesn't want only to blame; we want to influence concrete change on the political, community, and society level."

Koch Industries among investors set to take over UK supermarket Morrisons

The largest private company in the U.S. and the family that owns it have financially supported a network of groups working to downplay the threat of climate change and kill off legislation designed to cut emissions.

Stop dumping offshore fracking waste into Gulf of Mexico

"The agency has no business rubber-stamping the dumping of dangerous, disgusting chemicals without even trying to understand the risks."

America’s carbon-pusher in chief

Trump’s fossil-fueled foreign policy.

‘Stand with us’: Indigenous Line 3 opponents seek allies to fight tar sands pipeline

“We need everyone who can to come to the frontlines in support. We need those who can’t come here in person to amplify this message through every available channel.”

One of the world’s oldest rainforests returns to Indigenous control

The hope is that the most recent handover will provide a model for other groups in Australia's wet tropics hoping to regain control of their traditional lands.

Watch what Bill McKibben calls ‘one of the best and most straightforward videos about...

With the last five years the hottest since records began, Senator Bernie Sanders says that "What Trump and his friends in the fossil fuel industry are doing is criminal."

Do you live in a chemical disaster danger zone?

New map shows 40% of Americans live in constant risk of chemical exposure or explosion. The Trump Administration is trying to roll back protections.

Bitter legal fight between climate deniers ends with $630,000 transfer to new group targeting...

“The recent court cases against Schnare and FMELC show that they have sought to avoid even basic levels of accountability, all the while making careers out of subjecting scientists to bogus fishing expeditions in the name of 'transparency.'”

Oregon again a battlefield for fracked gas pipeline and Jordan Cove LNG terminal

“The bottom line is we want to stop the project, so whatever tools are available to do that — so I’m not ruling out anything.”