Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dubai is a fitting host for the climate circus

A host nation that promises progress but relies on regressive policies is revealing just how seriously fossil fuel interests have coopted UN climate talks.

Oil, gas, petrochemical financial woes predate pandemic — and will continue after, despite bailouts,...

“The crash that we’re seeing in the oil and gas and petrochemicals industry is a recent intensification of what has been a very long-term trend.”

This year’s e-waste to outweigh Great Wall of China

2021’s mountain of waste didn’t grow out of nowhere.

In parting blow to climate science, Trump admin removes expert in charge of National...

The administration on Friday reassigned Michael Kuperberg, a climate scientist who runs the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), which produces the report.

Climate activists blockade Citigroup HQ in NYC to demand banking giant stop funding fossil...

Citibank is the world’s second-largest funder of coal, oil and gas.

California leads multi-state lawsuit against Trump admins’ clean car rollback

"We will join our partner states and take the Trump Administration to court to fight another illegal and dangerous rollback.”

Federal Reserve wants climate risk analysis from 6 largest US banks

The Federal Reserve called the review a “pilot exercise” to make sure the U.S. financial system is ready for the various risks presented by the climate crisis.

Groups challenge Trump administration’s delisting of gray wolves

The lawsuit claims the United States Fish and Wildlife Service made a decision "based on politics, not science."

New study finds climate change denial received disproportionate media coverage for decades

"Rather than marginalize self-interested voices and give prominence to expert voices, these papers did just the opposite."

US electric bills could increase 8% this summer amid rising temperatures

Households could pay an average of $719 from June through September, according to a report.