Monday, September 16, 2024

The US has almost no official presence at COP25, but is still ‘obstructing any...

“They’re everywhere. And everywhere they are obstructing and not allowing any progress to happen.”

Louisiana’s Tea Party Congressmen Seek Flood Aid – After they Rejected Sandy Relief

In 2013, when Scalise and Cassidy were members of the House, both men voted against the $50 billion aid package for New York following Superstorm Sandy.

Activists are alarmed as Biden picks White House official who took fossil fuel money

"If Joe Biden continues making corporate-friendly appointments to his White House, he will risk quickly fracturing the hard-earned goodwill his team built with progressives to defeat Donald Trump."

How Biden can do more Than just restore Trump’s environmental rollbacks

President-elect Joseph R. Biden has indicated that he’ll quickly roll back the rollbacks as soon as he’s inaugurated. Yet a reset is not enough.

Introducing biochar: Climate change solution or greenwash nightmare?

Can research confirm biochar's potential as a climate change solution, or is it just another form of greenwashing?

How persistent student organizing forced one of the largest public universities to divest from...

Over eight years, University of Michigan students led bold direct actions, continually recruited new students and forged ties with regents to keep $1 billion from the fossil fuel industry.

Scientists find new way to reduce marine ‘dead zones’

Wetlands can help remove nutrient pollution causing low-oxygen “dead zones.” But how much benefit we reap depends a lot on placement, a new study finds.

This company is turning plastic waste into public furniture

The New Raw's project, "Print Your City!" calls on citizens to support turning their discarded plastic into furniture by combining 3D printing with recycling.

Climate suit claims fossil fuel development poses ‘existential threat’ to Utah’s youth

"Utah's fossil fuel development policy poses an existential threat to Utah's children, sacrificing their health, safety, and lives for the short-term profits of the fossil fuel industry."

These anti-solar policies are threatening U.S. clean energy goals

Here are some policies that in recent months have threatened to hold up or halt the solar sector’s rise.