Monday, September 16, 2024

EU Countries Launch Shock Rebellion against Glyphosate Herbicides

Public pressure against glyphosate in countries across Europe has been intense, with nearly 1.5 million people petitioning the EU’s health commissioner for a ban on the substance.

The Arctic Turns Ugly

Runaway global warming is exactly like it sounds, an earth-shattering asteroid collision that turns the planet into a fireball.

The Shocking Consequences of the World’s Meat Addiction

Animal agriculture is killing billions of animals annually and harming our environment.

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Latest Effort to Block Air Pollution Rule

Twenty states tried to derail the Obama administration’s mercury regulation.

Burn Pits, Climate Change and the US Military

While it’s obvious that the Democratic candidates are much better on these issues than the four Republicans still seeking their party’s nomination, the media needs to take a share of the blame for so rarely bringing up the topic.

How A Small Town Won an Unlikely Victory Against Big Oil

A port commission vote against a proposed $1.2 billion oil refinery in a Washington town proves that the people still have a voice.

Climate Activist Who Chained Herself to Shell Vessel Argues Necessity Defense

Chiara D'Angelo, who spent three days chained to a Shell vessel last year to protest Arctic oil drilling, says her actions were necessary to prevent climate catastrophe

Too Many of the Birds, Bees, and Butterflies That Pollinate Crops Face Extinction

A new international report on pollinators highlights the threats faced by the wild species that farmers rely on.

SeaWorld Admits It Infiltrated an Animal Rights Group

The company’s board has ordered employees to stop posing as activists to obtain information on groups like PETA.