Thursday, October 17, 2024

U.S. continues to ship illegal plastic waste to developing countries

“You’re starting to see an outcry in countries being flooded with waste. And we are already seeing more countries starting to put their foot down.”

More than 2,400 animals killed by oil spill in Colombia

It took Colombia's state oil company Ecopetrol three weeks to respond to the environmental disaster.

Democratic leaders push forward “weak” congressional panel instead of a Green New Deal

This new select committee is simply a revival of an old climate panel but has even less authority than its predecessor.

How tribes are harnessing cutting-edge data to plan for climate change

The tribes in the Pacific Northwest are leaders in climate adaptation and have mounted multifaceted responses to the threats they face.

Climate change threatens 90 percent of aquatic food supply, new report

The report evaluated 17 different stressors, such as sea level rise, pesticide runoff and algal blooms, that impact the quality and quantity of global marine food supplies.

Biden’s middle-of-the-road climate plan condemned as “stunningly un-ambitious” and a “death sentence for livable...

"A 'middle ground' policy that's supportive of more fossil fuel development is a death sentence for our generation and the millions of people on the frontlines of the climate crisis," said co-founder of the Sunrise Movement.

‘Industry front group’ claims to promote public health while fighting chemical and food safety...

"Policy makers, international bodies, and the medical and research communities, should approach ILSI's work with caution, viewing it as industry funded and influenced."

Victory for activists as DNC considers hosting a climate-specific debate

Youth and climate activists had relentlessly expressed their desire for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to host a climate change presidential debate....

After second deadly crash, regulators say trucks leaking fracked gas cargo are fine

Last Friday, October 11, a “Virtual Pipeline” truck carrying compressed natural gas crashed on a highway in Orange, Massachusetts, killing the driver,...

Installing solar panels over canals could save California gallons of water

“You’re taking something that’s already been altered by human activity and doubling up on the benefits it provides. That’s the profound piece.”