Saturday, September 7, 2024

It’s Official: This Winter Was America’s Warmest on Record

Every state in the lower 48 saw temperatures at least 1.7 F above average.

21 Kids Take on the Feds and Big Oil in Historic Climate Lawsuit

“The future of our generation is at stake.”

Auction Ends with No Bids as Protesters Disrupt Fossil Fuel Lease Sale

Protesters marched from the landmark Reno arch to the casino, holding banners and signs that read "Stand up to big oil" and "Keep it in the ground."

Tilikum, SeaWorld’s Notorious Killer Whale, Is Near Death

The 35-year-old orca, taken from his mother at the age of two, killed three people during his years of captivity, galvanizing animal activists against the company.

On Fracking, Clinton And Sanders Give Vastly Different Answers

"My answer is a lot shorter," Sanders said. "No. I do not support fracking,"

As Coasts Flood, Why Isn’t the Corporate Press Asking Candidates About Climate Change?

It is also possible that corporate capitalism, which both runs the candidates and runs the so-called “news” companies, is about as good at dealing with a rapidly changing environment as the dodo was.

Bill McKibben Arrested + 56 Others in Ongoing Campaign Against Proposed Gas Storage at...

The total number of arrests in the 17-month-old civil disobedience campaign has now surpassed 500.

Three Times When the World Broke Open – and Two When It Might Again

Never before has humanity depended so fully for the survival of us all on a social movement being willing to bet on impracticality.

Supreme Court Backs EPA, Refuses to Block Mercury Emissions Rule

The Mercury and Air Toxic Standards rule, which tightens restrictions on harmful pollutants that are byproducts of burning coal, was challenged by 20 states

Using Courts To Build The Movement

The lesson from history is the movement is bigger than the courts. If we keep building on court decisions whether they are with the movement or against it, we will prevail.