Saturday, September 7, 2024

Democrats need to be pressured on climate, too

"We are already facing the consequences of the climate crisis."

The Koch operatives behind the Trump energy department’s renewables research censorship

“There are dozens of reports languishing right now that can’t be published. This is a systemic issue.”

Multisolving our way to Covid-19 economic recovery

Addressing the coronavirus pandemic can also provide opportunities to fight climate change and boost equity.

Young climate leaders conclude mock COP26 with calls for green recovery, recognition of ecocide

"Mock COP26 sends a strong message to world leaders that young people can coordinate global negotiations and we have the solutions."

Seven water protectors protesting Line 3 Pipeline arrested at the Shell River

“These women represent many others who stand in solidarity with the protection of water across Anishinaabe treaty lands.”

Climate-change transition in the age of the billionaire

A world of solidarity economics or climate profiteering?

What Big Oil knew about climate change, in its own words

Will the world experience the global catastrophe that the oil companies predicted years before I was born?

On ‘front lines of climate change,’ Baltimore lawsuit aims to hold 26 fossil fuel...

"These oil and gas companies knew for decades that their products would harm communities like ours."

Landmark inquiry in Philippines backs accountability for ‘climate-polluting’ corporations

"We enjoin all Filipinos to stand up for climate and environmental justice, and ensure our elected officials in the next administration take this to heart."

G7 countries to end overseas funding for fossil fuel development

“We are united in the view that climate and environment security are absolutely synonymous with energy and national security."