Saturday, September 7, 2024

A Few Great Fun Ways In Which You Can Protect the Environment

There is no real reason why you could not have a lot of fun while you protect the environment and you play your part in making the world a better place for the future generations.

What Happens When Nuclear Power Plants are Targeted by Terrorists?

We must welcome energy we can live with and reject power that presents a deadly threat in so many ways.

How Montanans Stopped the Largest New Coal Mine in North America

The abandonment of the Otter Creek mine project shows that land defenders and climate activists are learning how to take on big energy companies and win.

Entering Uncharted Territory in Washington

As the latest heat records indicate, we are, for the first time, on a planet in decline. And if that isn’t uncharted territory, what is?

Montreal Makes Plans To Ban All Plastic Water Bottles

Montreal announces plan to ban all water bottles, corporations announce plan to fight the ban.

Japan Kills 333 Minke Whales Including 200 Pregnant Females

Japan’s Fisheries Agency resumed its whaling program in the Antarctic Ocean despite a landmark 2014 ruling from the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

European Environment Committee Votes Against Glyphosate Renewal

"So long as serious concerns remain about the carcinogenicity and endocrine disruptive properties of the herbicide glyphosate, the EU Commission should not renew its authorization."

Coral Bleaching Hits The Great Barrier Reef After Australia Temperatures Break Records

Coral bleaching is causing some corals to die in the Great Barrier Reef.

The Whalers Are Long Gone, but These Great Whales Are Still Struggling

Researchers have created the first reliable population estimates for the now-rare New Zealand southern right whale.

Maryland Passes a Bill to Save Its Bees

Maryland is poised to become the first state to ban a popular pesticide for consumer use.