Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Texas company exposed by DeSmog for radioactive fracking waste practices threatens legal action

Both during and after DeSmog’s investigation, Lotus LLC has tried various approaches to keep information about the company under wraps.

Denver becomes latest city to require green roofs

"This is a battle won against climate but the war doesn't stop here."

Don’t let youth climate activists like me burn out

To all the COP26 delegates and others with power over what happens at this conference: Please show us that you’ve heard us.

Governments are sending oil executives to COP26 despite climate pledges. Here’s a look at...

A DeSmog analysis found that the delegations from multiple countries are heavily drawn from their oil ministries and even large oil companies. Shell and other publicly traded oil giants are also attending the climate proceedings under the cover of trade groups.

Plants face tough climate challenges as seed-dispersing animals decline

Animals that eat fruit and spread the seeds in their droppings offer an all-inclusive transportation service for half the world’s flora. But as...

Progressive Briefing for Thursday, June 21, 2018

Trump signs executive order halting family separation policy he created President Trump signed an executive order halting what has become a notorious family separation policy...

NY leaders commit to nation’s first fully zero-emission school bus fleet

"These pollution-free buses will give kids the safe ride to school that they deserve."

Hurricane Michael pummels communities in Florida, a state led by a climate change-denying governor

It is the third most powerful storm to ever hit the U.S. mainland, and meteorologists say it is supercharged by warmer-than-usual water in the Gulf of Mexico.

Polluters rely on old rhetoric to block clean energy future

Corporate polluters and their political allies have sought to slow and derail anti-pollution laws, often using the exact same arguments and wording.

Earthquake in Japan kills 55 people

The earthquake was categorized as the deadliest in the country since 2016.