Thursday, September 19, 2024

Climate Change All But Ignored Again at Presidential Debate

"Climate change demands the attention of both candidates and their parties, and it is shameful that it was given so little."

Bridging the food-or-energy gap

“This dual use of the land adds a layer of efficiency that wouldn’t be there. You start seeing layer after layer of benefit, benefit, benefit."

Revealed: How Dirty Production of NHS Drugs Helps Create Superbugs

Active ingredients used in antibiotics get into the local soil and water systems, leading to bacteria in the environment becoming resistant to the drugs.

‘Anything but secure’: advocates decry USDA rule allowing Big Ag to set its own...

"Consumers have a right to know how gene editing is being used to produce the foods they buy in the market."

7 things the Defund DAPL campaign has achieved so far (including $28 million in...

Public and consumer pressure on banks to quit financing the Dakota Access pipeline companies is producing results.

Army Corps to grant final easement for DAPL on Trump’s order, ignoring Environmental Impact...

“Trump thinks he’s getting what he wants, but the people who’ve been emboldened by the worldwide fight against the Dakota Access pipeline won’t quietly back away.”

House passes NRA-backed bill legalizing the killing of bear cubs in wildlife refuges

“Killing hibernating bears, shooting wolf pups in their dens, and chasing down grizzlies by aircraft and then shooting them on the ground is not the stuff of some depraved video game.”

Alaska’s small villages turn toward renewables – and don’t look back

Oil companies like to push the narrative that Alaskans want more oil development, but that’s not true.

Auto Alliance pushed climate denial to get Trump admin to abandon Obama Fuel Efficiency...

The Trump administration has announced its intention to weaken standards, relying on misinformation provided by the Auto Alliance and its members.

Grassroots fighters for the Arctic Refuge take the case to DC

We must stand for the protection of the Arctic Refuge and ask our representatives to do the same.