Seals Reveal How Antarctic Sea Ice Melt Affects Ocean Currents
A southern elephant seal has been pressed into service as an all-weather submersible to investigate and record data from the polynya system of the southern ocean sea ice.
World’s Largest Natural Sanctuary Grows Thanks to Obama
This new expansion will cover over 7,000 marine species in Hawaii.
Obama to Create World’s Largest Marine Reserve in Hawaii
"This is a bold decision that will have lasting benefits for Hawaii's unique ecosystem."
Health Dangers of Fracking Revealed in Johns Hopkins Study
While the industry will no doubt continue to refute the expanding science about the dangers of fracking, we can't afford to ignore it.
Climate Change and the 1,000-Year Flood in Baton Rouge: When Will We Learn?
There is growing grass-roots activism directly confronting the extraction and transport of fossil fuels in addition to raising awareness of climate change.
3 Reasons the Standing Rock Sioux Can Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline
For starters, this protest is about a competing idea for the future of the planet—and waves of people will show up to make that point.
Illegal Herbicide Use on GMO Crops Causing Massive Damage to Fruit, Vegetable and Soybean...
One of the worst parts of this whole debacle is that farmers—by being forced to grow dicamba resistant GMO soybeans—are losing the choice of what they can grow.
Clinton’s Transition Team: A Corporate Presidency Foretold
Clinton’s smooth rhetoric should not change the fact that -- on a vast array of issues -- basic principles will require progressives to fight against her actual policy goals, every step of the way.
Media Silent as Native Americans Successfully Halt Construction on Oil Pipeline
It’s the Keystone XL Pipeline all over again.
Instead of Supporting Trump, Here’s What the Koch Brothers are Doing With Their $750...
The Koch Brothers have started a pro-fossil fuel front group, “Fueling U.S. Forward,” that seeks to get the public emotionally invested in fossil fuels as being “pro-human.”