Boulder Commits to 100% Clean Energy
Colorado has long been a leader on the advancement of clean, renewable energy like wind and solar.
Native People Waging Historic Struggle Against Dakota Access Pipeline
Hundreds of Native Americans have mobilized to oppose the construction of a major oil pipeline across the Missouri River.
Zika Pesticide Spraying is Killing Millions of Honeybees
An aerial pesticide being sprayed throughout South Carolina county to help prevent Zika has resulted in the tragic death of millions of honeybees.
10 States Report Crop Damage From Illegal Dicamba Use on Monsanto’s GMO Seeds
Hundreds of thousands of soybean and cotton crops have been negatively impacted by the apparent misuse of the drift-prone herbicide dicamba on Monsanto’s Roundup.
Senator Promoting Dakota Access Pipeline Invests In Bakken Oil Wells Named After Indian Tribe
The senator also has hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of investments in 33 North Dakota-based oil wells owned by Whiting Petroleum Corporation and hundreds of thousands of dollars more in investments in seven wells owned by ExxonMobil subsidiary XTO Energy.
In Post-Olympics Brazil, A Political Coup Is No Game
Brazil is a remarkable country, with more than 200 million people, a vibrant culture, a huge economy and, with the majority of the threatened Amazon rainforest within its borders, a vital role to play in the fight to limit human-induced climate change.
‘Great Elephant Census’ Shows Catastrophic Decline in Africa
"Forest elephant populations are already known to be decreasing at alarming rates and now the Great Elephant Census has revealed that savannah elephants are in the same boat."
Dakota Access Pipeline Tribal Liaison Formerly Worked For Agency Issuing Permit To Cross Tribal...
U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg will issue a ruling on the Standing Rock tribe's request for an injunction on September 9
Over $628 Billion in Public Costs Cleaning Up Fukushima and Not Near Done
According to the Japan Times, the public cost of cleaning up the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster topped ¥4.2 trillion (roughly $628 billion) as of March and is expected to keep climbing.
Donald Trump in the Bayou
The Tea Party, a Sinkhole in Louisiana, and the Contradictions of American Political Life