Thursday, September 19, 2024

Whistleblower Says EPA Officials Covered Up Toxic Fracking Methane Emissions for Years

An environmental watchdog claims the EPA is involved in a cover-up holding back information about the oil and gas industry.

After Keystone XL: TransCanada Building North American Fracked Gas Pipeline Empire

It's safe to say that TransCanada is quickly morphing into “TransMexico” and more broadly into a North American fracked gas pipeline empire.

Norway Becomes the First Country to Ban Deforestation

In addition to pledging to stop deforestation, Norway is also responsible for funding several environmental projects worldwide.

A More Relevant and Radical Democratic Platform? Sanders Brings Veteran Activists to the Table

From Cornel West to Bill McKibben, Sanders picks some heavy-hitting social movement leaders for the Democratic National Committee.

The U.S. Just Banned Ivory Sales

The federal government is trying to ban all sales of items containing African elephant ivory within the U.S.

Hurricane Costs Expected to Skyrocket Due to Climate Change

“Climate change is real, it is caused by human activity and it is already causing devastating harm. Extreme weather disasters like hurricanes will devastate communities and cost the American taxpayers billions of dollars.”

IOGCC Representatives Spout Climate Denial at ExxonMobil-Funded Meeting

IOGCC may be just as bad as ALEC, but has yet to come under fire for its relationship with Exxon.

Chile Producing So Much Solar Energy It’s Giving Electricity Away for Free

With so much clean power available, the price of solar has cost absolutely nothing for certain regions in recent months.

This Super Sustainable House Can Be Built in One Day

Despite being lightweight, the Wikkelhouse is durable and has a minimum life span of 50 years.

Climate Justice from the Ground Up: 6 Ballot Initiatives to Watch in 2016

These measures are noteworthy because they don’t just regulate emissions or mandate transitions. They actually do things like help the economically insecure, create material incentives for individual change, restore ecosystems, and reassert the authority of local entities over corporate polluters.