Friday, October 18, 2024

2021 Arctic Report Card reveals a (human) story of cascading disruptions, extreme events and...

Rapid and pronounced human-caused warming continues to drive most of the changes, and ultimately is paving the way for disruptions that affect ecosystems and communities far and wide.

Department of Interior awards grants to communities through National Park Service’s program 

The program provides matching grants, up to 50 percent of the total project costs, to "enable urban communities to create new outdoor recreation spaces, reinvigorate existing parks, and form connections between people and the outdoors."

Facing Felony Charges, Rick Perry Joins Board of Energy Transfer Partners, Owner of Proposed...

Former Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry currently faces two Texas state-level felony charges for abuse of power, which he pleads not guilty. During this time, he has joined the board of directors at a natural gas and propane company and has showed interest in possibly running for president in 2016.

California passes new bill to curb widespread use of neonicotinoid pesticides

The bill will limit the use of neonics to trained professionals beginning in 2025.

Ocasio-Cortez & Markey unveil sweeping “Green New Deal” to radically shift U.S. off fossil...

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seemed to mock the proposal on Wednesday, referring to it as a “green dream, or whatever they call it.”

‘Historic’ court ruling will force France to justify its climate targets

The court is now demanding answers from the government.

New Zealand plans to become first country to require climate risk reporting

New Zealand could be the first country in the world to require its major financial institutions to report on the risks posed...

In Oregon and five other states, youth are making legal cases for climate action

The legal theory underpinning Chernaik v. Brown and other youth climate litigation derives from the public trust doctrine — the concept that natural resources are held in trust by governments that must protect them.

Indigenous youth embark on sub-zero, 93-mile run to protest Dakota Access Pipeline

"This is a critical step towards righting the wrongs of the past and setting our nation on a path of environmental, climate, and social justice."

Only a mass movement can bring about a Green New Deal

Ours is an age of crisis. Britain faces a crisis of inequality, with the Tories’ brutal austerity program leaving schoolchildren eating from bins and...