Thursday, September 19, 2024

Meet the McDonald’s Cashier Taking on Her CEO for Climate Change

If raising a family on a McDonald’s salary wasn’t hard enough, Tina Sandoval is working to transform the fast-food industry into one that is good for both people and planet.

EPA Bans Fracking Wastewater from Sewage Treatment Plants

“While no known municipal treatment plants currently accept fracking waste, the option could have become more attractive to drillers as standards tightened on other waste disposal methods.”

37 Million Bees Instantly Dropped Dead After Farms Started Spraying Neonicotinoids On GMO Crops

After nearby farms began spraying insecticides on their GMO crops, 37 million bees died instantly at one farm as a result.

TransMexico? Keystone XL Owner TransCanada Wins Bid For Underwater Gas Pipeline Across Gulf of...

The presidential candidates Clinton and Donald Trump have yet to comment on this pipeline or the topic of U.S.-Mexico cross-border pipelines on the campaign trail.

Ding-Dong! Goldman Sachs Just Ate Denmark For Breakfast

A battle has been lost for democracy and accountability, while the pockets of the rich and powerful have grown further.

First Mammal Goes Extinct Due to Human-Caused Climate Change

Human activities such as climate change, deforestation and wildlife trafficking could drive more species off the planet.

Alaska Just Had Hottest Year in Recorded History

Alaska, like the rest of the world, is experiencing higher than normal temperatures this spring.

Internal Documents Reveal How MSNBC Show Worked To Promote Fracking

On the issue of fracking for shale oil and gas, documents from 2011 obtained under Oklahoma's Open Records Act demonstrate that the network saw itself as a promoter of both the controversial drilling method and natural gas vehicles.

Apple Is Generating So Much Renewable Energy It Plans to Start Selling It

“Climate change is one of the great challenges of our time, and the time for action is now.”

U.S. Town Unites to Successfully Stop Nestle From Drilling On Their Land

This town’s residents just showed Nestle they’re not backing down against corporate greed.