Friday, September 20, 2024

Fracked Gas LNG Exports Were Centerpiece In Promotion of Panama Canal Expansion, Documents Reveal

Panama Canal's origins tie back to lobbying and the realization of corporate and Wall Street interests. Has the U.S. done the unconscionable?

Obama Admin Approved Over 1,500 Offshore Fracking Permits in Gulf of Mexico and Mainstream...

Speaking of keeping the public in the dark, where was the mainstream media when these facts were brought to light by progressive news outlets?

Uh-Oh Monsanto: EU Glyphosate License Set to Expire this Month

Glyphosate may soon be off European shelves permanently.

Solar-Energized Juno to Arrive at Jupiter on Independence Day

With solar-energized Juno’s arrival at Jupiter, this Independence Day should mark a blow for independence from dangerous nuclear power above our heads in space.

100% Cage-Free Eggs Promised by World’s Largest Food Distributor

World’s Largest Food Distributor Commits to 100% cage-free eggs by 2026!

TransCanada Files NAFTA Suit Demanding More Than $15 Billion for Keystone XL Rejection

TransCanada recently filed a lawsuit against the United States because of the U.S. rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Bees Now Have Some Allies In Congress

“The bill, introduced Thursday by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), would increase funding and improve cooperation among federal agencies that are working on getting pollinator numbers back up.”

How IOGCC Spawned the Lawsuit That Just Overturned BLM Fracking Regulations on Public Lands

The Obama Administration has not indicated whether it intends to appeal the ruling.

BREAKING: Thousands Of Gallons Of Crude Oil Have Spilled From A Southern California Pipeline

A pipeline in southern California has spilled 700 barrels of crude oil as of Thursday morning.

World’s Largest Food Distributor Commits to Source 100% Cage-Free Eggs

Sysco said that the transition to a 100 percent cage-free egg supply chain by 2026 will require significant collaboration amongst industry participants