Friday, September 20, 2024

Clinton Backs Monsanto’s Case That to Be Anti Monsanto Is to Be Pro Global-Warming

“There is no comparison between the actual scientific consensus that global warming is real and man-made, and the phony ‘scientific’ ‘consensus’ that GMOs are safe.”

Arturo the World’s Saddest Polar Bear Dies in Captivity

At least 64 captive animals have died at the Mendoza Zoo in the last 7 months, reportedly due to bacteria outbreaks and overcrowding. Arturo died on Sunday due to a “blood circulation imbalance.”

Coal Dust Responsible for Thousands of Deaths in the E.U.

Not only does burning coal cost companies and governments billions of pounds in disease treatment and lost working days, but it is proven to be the cause of thousands of deaths.

Zero-Waste Markets Hit the U.S.

Several entrepreneurs are dabbling in ways to clean plastics out of the oceans. Introducing zero-waste markets.

Buenos Aires Zoo to Close After 140 Years, Will Be Turned into an Ecopark

The closure of the zoo is one act in a line from the last few years that shows the shift from traditional zoos and animal entertainment into more thoughtful alternatives.

TransCanada’s $15 Billion Suit Against U.S. Is Corporate Nationhood At Its Worst

TransCanada’s lawsuit has revealed now, perhaps more than ever, the degree to which NAFTA nations make and enforce laws explicitly suited for corporate gain – not communities, the environment or the global climate.

‘Guacamole-Thick’ Algae Takes Over Florida’s Atlantic Coast, 4 Counties Declare State of Emergency

For algal blooms in Martin County, Lake Erie and other parts of the country, the primary source of pollution is conventional agriculture.

Lament for Humanity: A 50 Year Reflection

“I am not going to get another 50 years to try to create the world of peace, justice and sustainability for which many of us strive but I am going to use every single moment of the time I have left.”

After Lead Contamination in House Office Building’s Water, Lawmakers Demand EPA Reforms

61 representatives are demanding the EPA improves its lead regulations after learning that the drinking water in one of the Congressional office buildings had been shut off due to lead contamination.

San Francisco Getting Stricter About Styrofoam

At the beginning of 2017, the use of polystyrene will be banned in San Francisco.