Friday, September 20, 2024

BREAKING: EPA To Limit Greenhouse Gases From Airplanes

“After nearly a decade of denial and delay, we need fast, effective EPA action.” It’s about time.

Ivory Kingpin Jailed for 20 Years

The conviction and sentencing of ivory kingpin sends a message to poachers and traffickers harming animals, humans and the environment.

Port of LA to Open World’s First Off-Grid Terminal Powered Entirely by Renewables

The clean air gains will be the equivalent of taking 14,100 cars a day off the road in the South Coast Air Basin

New EPA Rules Will Cut Landfills’ Methane Emissions By A Third

The EPA finalized rules that will cut landfills’ methane emissions by a third. The previous regulations were set over 20 years ago.

Oil Spills are Actually Good for Birds, Fish, and the Economy According to the...

“Environmentalists worry that an increase in oil trains could lead to a rise in oil train derailments, but witnesses that testified before the EFSEC on behalf of Vancouver Energy say oil spills might not actually be that bad for the environment.”

“Indian Point:” A Disaster Waiting to Happen

The film emphasizes: “With so much attention focused on Indian Point, the future of nuclear plants in the United States might depend on what happens here.”

GOP Platform Proposes To Get Rid Of National Parks And National Forests

The GOP platform includes a provision that would leave national parks, wildlife refuges, and national forests vulnerable to privatization.


The Unyielding Grip of Fossil Fuels on Global Life

Cities Turning to a Plastic-Free Future

Plastic Free July is asking you to ditch one-time use plastic goods for an entire month.

250 Emaciated Lions Found During Trophy Hunting Farm Raid

Thanks to one man’s activism, 250 lions were rescued from being killed by affluent trophy hunters.