Saturday, October 19, 2024

Installing solar panels over California’s canals could yield water, land, air and climate payoffs

Building smart solar developments on canals and other disturbed land can make power and water infrastructure more resilient while saving water, reducing costs and helping to fight climate change.

Climate change: Six positive news stories from 2019

Climate researchers have not given up hope—these are a few positive stories from 2019.

French oil company Total ‘knew about global warming impact in 1971’, study finds

“Total is fully aware of the fact that each of its activities can generate pollution that may affect the equilibrium of nature.”

To protect its oceans, Canada bans waste water dumping from cruise ships

The new rules are in keeping with Canada’s continued efforts to preserve 30 percent of its oceans by 2030.

Eight of the 10 nations most at risk from climate and toxic pollution in...

Toxic pollution in the environment, be it dirty air, contaminated water or unhealthy soils, accounted for more than 8 million deaths globally in 2018.

World Bank ramps up investments to fight climate crisis

"Climate change is an existential threat to the world's poorest and most vulnerable. These new targets demonstrate how seriously we are taking this issue, investing and mobilizing $200 billion over five years to combat climate change."

After calling for climate action, US Chamber of Commerce pushes pro-fossil fuel agenda

“I found myself dwarfed by the impact of these corporations in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and legislative power.”

‘Unprecedented levels’ of plastics entered world’s oceans after 2005, study finds

The new study comes as the UN is developing a treaty to control plastic pollution.

1.8 billion tons more greenhouse gases will be released, thanks to Trump

"If we don't have a stable environment to live in, there's no way to have life, liberty, or pursue happiness."

While America focuses on tax bill, Congress quietly tries to open Arctic refuge to...

“The oil industry and its allies in Congress may think they can sneak this past the American people...”