Saturday, September 7, 2024

Insignia, badges, and medals for a climate-wracked era

The U.S. military on a planet from hell.

Exposé shows rise of Heartland Institute’s climate denial efforts overseas, using dark money and...

A German sting shines more light on Heartland Institute's tactics.

How to contact the people who sent militarized police to Standing Rock

Have a question about the militarization of policing near Dakota Access pipeline construction? Here’s who to call, starting with Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier.

Evidence shows oil industry flaring in Texas being done without permits

“Our state regulators—and our industry—has a long way to go to clean up our act.”

Going green: How your college can get involved

There’s a number of things your college can do to lower their carbon footprint and Go Green in 2021.

An invisible essential labor force

How the migrant women farmworkers who put food on our tables are organizing for a better life after the pandemic.

Colorado River water shortage declared for first time in history

Another bleak indicator of the magnitude of the drought across the West made worse by climate change.

A record 227 environmental defenders were killed in 2020

The study connected that rise in violence with the worsening of the climate crisis itself.

Trump’s climate COP-out and the movement it has unleashed

The U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement is a catastrophe, but it has inspired a whirlwind of bottom-up climate activism.

As climate emergency worsens, freak lightning storm sends snow, scorpion plague on Egypt’s Aswan

High winds blew the deadly Egyptian black, fat-tailed scorpions from the surrounding desert into the city and into people’s homes.