Thursday, October 17, 2024

Radical Realism About Climate Change

If we fail, we should not be surprised if, just a few years from now, the planetary thermostat is under the control of a handful of states or military and scientific interests.

How to contact the people who sent militarized police to Standing Rock

Have a question about the militarization of policing near Dakota Access pipeline construction? Here’s who to call, starting with Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier.

Did a DAPL security worker wielding an AR-15 rifle try to infiltrate native water...

A Standing Rock Sioux tribal member says he saw the man driving down Highway 1806 toward the main resistance camp with an AR-15 rifle on the passenger side of his truck.

Toxic air – the ‘invisible killer’ that stifles 300 million children

For WHO and its partners, this series of measures to achieve a reduction of pollutants could significantly reduce the number of annual deaths from air pollution.

1 million people ‘check in’ on Facebook to support Dakota Access Pipeline protesters

The Sacred Stone Camp told Snopes they are not behind the tactic but pointed out it was a “great way to express solidarity” with the pipeline protest.

Why police from 7 different states invaded a Standing Rock camp—and other questions

To clear the way for a pipeline, North Dakota invoked a measure reserved for state emergencies like natural disasters. That’s one answer.

Thanksgiving at Standing Rock

Too many of us whine and grieve that we are losing everything—but do nothing to stop it and just go along.

Gas pipeline explosion kills 1 and injures 5

Alabama is currently in a massive drought and is vulnerable to wildfires, making these events all the more dangerous.

Security firm running Dakota Access Pipeline intelligence has ties to U.S. military work in...

“It is another terrifying example of how our violent interventions abroad come home to haunt us in the form of repression and violation of our civil rights.”

After two wars, Standing Rock is the first time I served the American people

‘I’ve been on the wrong side of history’