Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Indian Point Accident

A recent fire at Indian Point Nuclear Plant in New York is prompting renewed calls to close the plant. Does the federal government have a historic, reckless and scandalous weakness when it comes to the nuclear power plant?

Conservationists fear Japan’s ‘blatant’ attempt to overturn whaling moratorium could be accepted by International...

"Member countries must stand together and push progress towards whale protection, not let this commission be pulled back into the bygone era of commercial whaling."

Fossil Fuel subsidies nearly doubled in major economies between 2020 and 2021

“Fossil fuel subsidies are a roadblock to a more sustainable future, but the difficulty that governments face in removing them is underscored at times of high and volatile fuel prices,”

Top 4 worst pieces of climate news from the United Nations in the Age...

The onus is now on us as individual Americans to do the right thing by the earth and reduce our carbon footprint.

Trump’s bogus reason for bailing on the Paris Agreement

The administration’s lawyer thinks there might be legal ramifications if the U.S. stays in the Paris Climate Agreement but doesn’t cut emissions. No one who worked on the deal agrees.

Emperor Weather

for the moment, it seems, humanity still has the chance to write its own history in a fashion that would allow for a perhaps less welcoming but still reasonably palatable world for our children and grandchildren to live in. And be glad of that.

Congress works with Big Oil on letter suggesting anti-pipeline activists face terrorism charges

“Corporations and their governmental enablers are desperate to silence dissent every way they can.”

This City Banned K-Cups — Is Your Town Next?

Keurig isn’t the only brand of single-use coffee pods coming under fire in Hamburg, Germany.

Legal action against high emitters failing to use latest climate science, study finds

Most of the lawsuits analyzed did not quantify the extent to which climate change was responsible for the impacts suffered by plaintiffs, known as “attribution science”.