Saturday, September 21, 2024

Trump administration attempts to delay findings on pesticides

Is the pesticide industry running Trump's EPA?

Glyphosate exposure increases cancer risk up to 41 percent, study finds

"Our analysis focused on providing the best possible answer to the question of whether or not glyphosate is carcinogenic. As a result of this research, I am even more convinced that it is."

Netflix’s ‘Seaspiracy’: Viewers react to commercial fishing industry exposé

The exposé has sparked countless questions about and investigation into the seafood industry's claims and practices.

Climate deniers on the ballot in 2018

DeSmog is taking this opportunity to highlight some of the top climate science deniers currently running for office in the U.S.

10 arrested as deadline to evacuate Dakota Access pipeline protest camp passes

“Allies around the world acting in solidarity with Standing Rock cannot stop now.”

2.7 million people want national monuments to remain protected

The public overwhelmingly supports public lands and oceans.

Half of Earth’s glaciers could melt with 1.5°C of warming, NASA study finds

“We are not trying to frame this as a negative look at the loss of these glaciers, but instead how we have the ability to make a difference.”

Media repeats Kremlin anti-fracking claims—while ignoring Russia’s promotion of climate denial

Climate skeptics have revived an old claim that anti-fracking campaigns around the world have been bankrolled by the Kremlin.

Climate change: The catastrophic impact on developing countries

There is an alternative way to ‘reduce vulnerability’ for the poorest people in the world, and that is by the rich nations sharing what they have, and what the Earth provides more equitably amongst everyone.

Anti-fracking movement alarmed at Trump’s focus on fossil fuels

Resistance against fracking is growing, and the results of Trump’s support remain to be seen.