Saturday, September 21, 2024

Of budgets and beatitudes: The Pope meets the Donald

“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.”

Billionaire mining magnate Gina Rinehart revealed as key donor to Australian climate science denial...

Rinehart’s own views on human-caused climate change match those promoted by the IPA.

Any Democrat who takes fossil fuel money should face a primary challenge in 2020

The fossil fuel industry’s campaign contributions are a threat to democracy.

South Korea’s Green New Deal: Myths versus realities

There's one place in the world where the Green New Deal is a policy reality. But is it living up to its hype?

Groundbreaking youth climate lawsuit against US government can proceed

The groundbreaking lawsuit targets the government for creating policies that encouraged climate change, and for violating the country's youngest citizens their constitutional rights to life, liberty and property, as well as failing to protect essential public trust resources.

In photos: Water protectors return to Standing Rock – this time for closure

The camps are gone now, but the awakening to protect the water, land, and tribal sovereignty continues.

Noam Chomsky: The future of organized human life is at risk thanks to GOP’s...

We have to make decisions now which will literally determine whether organized human life can survive in any decent form.”

Court hears expert testimony about how Montana ‘doubled down on fossil fuels’ and became...

The state has never denied a permit for a fossil fuel project, despite its constitution’s guarantee of the right to a clean and healthful environment.

Six areas where action must focus to rescue this planet

In the next three decades, the world must dramatically decrease greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to return to a more stable climate.

FedEx to become 100 percent electric by 2040

“We have a responsibility to take bold action in addressing climate challenges.”