Saturday, September 21, 2024

Climate change forced over 1 million Africans from their homes in 2015

Disasters triggered by rapid-onset natural hazards affected 33 African countries last year.

How major southeast utilities paid local media for favorable coverage

This is an example of how big money can interact with the decline in local journalism to spread false or misleading information, including about the climate crisis and appropriate solutions.

English lawyers refuse to prosecute climate protestors in ‘declaration of conscience’

“Young lawyers are being placed in an impossible position. We’re being told by our firms and regulators it’s a professional obligation to act for fossil fuel projects, knowing that doing so will poison our own future and all of life on Earth."

Microplastics discovered near Mount Everest summit

Understanding how climate change will impact mountain glaciers is the ultimate goal of the Perpetual Planet expeditions, of which the Everest trip was the first.

These companies support climate action, so why are they funding opposition to it?

A tale of Paris climate agreement supporters, political spending and unintended consequences.

Environmental and tribal groups urge extra precautions to protect the Great Lakes from oil...

"The annual and growing threat is not worth risking the Great Lakes, nor your reputation as a leader who takes the protection of our public trust resources seriously."

New study shows communities of color disproportionately affected by air pollution

“What this study shows is what communities of color across the region have long understood—that they are unfairly exposed to higher levels of pollution."

Methane emissions surge, threatening global climate targets

Rapid rise in methane levels demands urgent action to avoid climate catastrophe.

After hottest month on record, oil giant BP reports ‘hideous’ $2.6 billion in profits

"Leaving this industry with the power to profit without consequence is not only morally abhorrent—it's plainly ludicrous in the face of a climate catastrophe that threatens us all," said one campaigner.

Revealed: Three-quarters of prestigious green advertising awards go to agencies working for fossil fuel...

The majority of Ad Net Zero’s accolade-winners also represent major polluters.