Friday, September 20, 2024

From carpet to clean air: It’s time for California to stand up for environmental...

Our representatives should uplift our health and quality of life not in words, but with action.

ALEC’s deadly asbestos agenda benefits Koch Industries, Nationwide

Instead, Koch and its allies are working hard to pass laws that run out the clock.

How a small North Carolina community is pushing back on pollution

A new group of allies is fighting a proposed asphalt plant that threatens their health and their homes.

‘Shoot’em with a Camera:’ New campaign backed by legendary conservationists to stop Wyoming’s grizzly...

The campaign, which stated on social media on July 8, was a creative action to stop the hunt and rather get activists in the field and "hunt" with a camera rather than with a gun.

Kinder Morgan: Canada’s Dakota Access Pipeline

A new, energized pipeline movement has been born. And the fight will soon be over Kinder Morgan.

You can help stop climate chaos: 25 ways

Please scroll through these ideas and choose the ones easiest for you and Just Do It. Please. Your children, your grandchildren, and the generations deserve our attention and effort. Now.

Weakened Chinese law against endangered rhinos and tigers has animal rights activists worried

While China's reversal of a 25-year-old law came as a shock to many, other animal rights activists saw it coming due to the growing number of tiger farms in the country.

Major UK supermarket chain gets rid of plastic bags in produce and bakery sections

“We are absolutely committed to reducing unnecessary plastic packaging in Sainsbury’s stores."

Pipeline company wants to quietly expand gas shipments in the Pacific Northwest 

TC Energy’s upgrade of its GTN XPress pipeline would result in a huge increase in methane gas volumes to the region. But it would undermine climate laws already on the books.

Newly elected president of Mexico, Lopez Obrador, vows to ban fracking

The “plan to ban fracking in Mexico represents the latest common-sense decision by a world leader to prohibit this inherently toxic, polluting practice.”