Why police from 7 different states invaded a Standing Rock camp—and other questions
To clear the way for a pipeline, North Dakota invoked a measure reserved for state emergencies like natural disasters. That’s one answer.
Thanksgiving at Standing Rock
Too many of us whine and grieve that we are losing everything—but do nothing to stop it and just go along.
After two wars, Standing Rock is the first time I served the American people
‘I’ve been on the wrong side of history’
Solidarity with #NoDAPL strengthens all of us
One of the most important lessons from the Indigenous that we should embed into our decision-making is that we are not only making decisions for ourselves.
First Statewide Carbon Tax Is What Our Climate Moment Demands
Climate scientists like me need to be clear about the global danger. Putting a price on CO2 would slow warming more effectively than any other policy tool we have available.
Arrested Pipeline Protesters Reportedly Detained Inside Dog Kennels
Since Thursday, at least 142 activists have been arrested while protesting against the North Dakota oil pipeline.
Activists Protest Outside CNN Demanding Fair and Accurate Reporting on Standing Rock
CNN, as well as most other mainstream media outlets, have failed to report on nearly any development of the pipeline dispute.
The Same Day White Armed Occupiers Were Acquitted, Peaceful Native American Activists Were Tear...
Under no circumstances should it be acceptable for peaceful protesters in North Dakota to be attacked and arrested, while armed occupiers in Oregon are either left alone or amicably reasoned with.
Bernie Sanders Demands a Stop to the Dakota Pipeline in Open Letter to President...
“It is deeply distressing to me that the federal government is putting the profits of the oil industry ahead of the treaty and sovereign rights of Native American communities."
7 Solutions to the Climate Crisis
How we create energy with renewables is important. How we store this energy—so we can use it when needed—is just as critical.