The world’s worst crisis
This is one of Africa’s largest displacement crises and the world cannot afford to brush it under the carpet.
President Obama denies all permits for dangerous testing in the Atlantic
The government estimates over 138,000 marine mammals, including dolphins and whales, would be injured and disturbed if seismic airgun blasting in the Atlantic were to take place.
PETA responds to death of ‘Blackfish’ orca
SeaWorld still holds 22 other orcas in captivity at its three facilities in Orlando, San Antonio, and San Diego.
GOP Congress, Trump already pushing Koch Industries’ bill to hobble regulatory agencies
The REINS (Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny) Act of 2017 has long been a legislative priority for Koch Industries.
New study confirms findings of faster global warming, despite what the GOP claims
After publishing their results in 2015, the NOAA became under attack from GOP members of the House. Now their findings are being validated.
The Chinese solar juggernaut that Donald Trump can’t stop (video)
India is now the third-largest solar market after China and the US. Will it use Chinese panels and other technology? Or American?
How America’s ego could save the planet
We need some of America’s ego now, just like 60 years ago, when the Soviet accomplishments in space drove us toward a singular world-changing goal.
New infographic shows how only 10 companies control every brand we know
Regardless of what the companies claim, the Big 10 do have the power and resources to address hunger and poverty within their supply chains.
Noam Chomsky: With Trump election, we are now facing threats to the survival of...
“The threats and dangers are very real.”
From Standing Rock to the world: 10 indigenous struggles – and how you can...
Whom to call, what to donate, and where to show up.