Monday, November 25, 2024

North Dakota bill would let motorists ‘unintentionally cause injury or death’ to protestors

“It’s shocking to see legislation that allows for people to literally be killed for exercising their right to protest in a public space.”

France passes controversial bill making cameras mandatory in all slaughterhouses

The French national assembly voted on Friday to monitor slaughterhouse practices and worker behavior to prevent animal cruelty as well as hygiene and safety violations.

U.S. government officially calls for research into geoengineering the Earth

Geoengineering is a controversial type of weather modification which has been researched, but, until recently, been considered too unpredictable to attempt on a large scale.

Governor of North Dakota: When Trump is president DAPL ‘will get its easement’

“I support the legal completion of this pipeline. Make no mistake, this infrastructure is good for our economy. And it's the safest way to transport North Dakota products."

Here’s a review of Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson’s Secretary of State hearing so far

Tillerson said he does not see climate change as a big national security threat.

How Jeff Sessions profited from introducing a fracking exemption for drinking water rules

It remains to be seen whether Sessions will face questions about his support for the S.724 (“the Halliburton Loophole”) or his Energen stock sell-off.

The closing of Indian Point and the future of nuclear power plants

This comes in the face of nuclear power plant accidents­ ­and competitive power being less expensive including renewable and safe solar and wind energy.

Dutch trains are world’s first to run on 100% wind power

The Dutch government is looking to ramp up the nation's share of renewable energy from 4 percent to 16 percent.

Utah’s new national monument marks big win for the protection of Indigenous cultural sites

By permanently protecting an area rich in indigenous cultural history, Obama has shown that some things are worth more than money.

Standing Rock and the return of the nonviolent campaign

There’s something even better than electoral politics and one-off protests when mobilizing citizen power.