Accusations brought against Betsy DeVos’ Education Department for failing to negotiate in good faith...
“Secretary Betsy DeVos and her management team are attempting to strip employees of their collective bargaining rights and kill the union.”
Facebook suspends Cambridge Analytica from its site after it ‘fraudulently’ collected data to help...
Facebook suspended Cambridge Analytica from its site after the data analytics company openly admitted to helping the "Trump campaign pull off its narrow win in key swing states."
A 2 percent financial wealth tax would provide a $12,000 annual stipend to every...
It's not hard to envision the benefits in work opportunities, stress reduction, child care, entrepreneurial activity, and artistic pursuits for American households with an...
Students are being punished for walking out to protest gun violence
Students are being suspended, given detentions, and even corporal punishment, for participating in the national walk out.
Celebrating International Women’s Day 2018 around the world
"The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization, but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights."
America’s children: Caught in the cross hairs of the NRA and the gun industry
How in the world did we ever get to this low point in our history when the fear of being killed is now planted into the minds of our children?
More than a dozen banks finance gun manufacturers and the assault weapons industry
More than a dozen banks support five of the largest gun manufacturers connected to countless shooting tragedies in America.
Guns and liberty
Gun ownership in the United States, largely criminalized for poor people of color, is a potent tool of oppression.
Dick’s Sporting Goods pulls assault weapons off its shelves and takes stance on gun...
"If the kids in Parkland are being brave enough to stand up and do this, we can be brave enough to stand up with them."
This system is killing us
It's time to recognize that when violence explodes out of nowhere, time and again, and at such a cost – violence is the system, violence courses through its veins.