‘Earth will be annihilated:’ On 73rd anniversary of Hiroshima bombing, a warning against nuclear...
In remembrance, we turn to the words of a Hiroshima survivor, or hibakusha.
Progressive Briefing for Monday, August 6, 2018
The NRA faces a financial crisis, all the Trump Tower meeting drama, federal judge issues game-changing decision on dark money, and more.
Answering ‘what should I do?’ is easier when you know the roles of social...
There are many necessary roles in the popular movement at this time, which means there is something for everyone to do.
Progressive Briefing for Friday, August 3, 2018
7 hospitalized after pipeline explosion, Senate Democrats agree to major military spending, White House rolls back fuel economy standards, and more.
Extreme weather is exploding around the world. Why isn’t the media talking about climate...
We host a panel discussion on the media’s role in the climate change crisis, the fossil fuel industry and global warming-fueled extreme weather across the globe.
Koch-funded groups mount PR and media campaign to fight carbon pricing
Worried about momentum for carbon taxes, climate deniers go on attack via right-wing media.
The entropy wars
Five financial uncertainties of 2018 (so far).
A threat to global democracy: How Facebook & surveillance capitalism empower authoritarianism
This is just the latest in a string of controversies surrounding Facebook’s unprecedented influence on democracy in the United States and around the world.
Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, August 1, 2018
ICE served eviction notice in Syracuse, Trump tweaks capital gains to benefit the rich, US deports parents but keeps their children, and more.
Progressive Briefing for Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Worker's wages fall, Federal judge orders government to seek consent before medicating migrant children, Bernie Sanders thanks the Koch brothers, and more.