Share the wealth? We can start now – here’s how
Corporations have, in effect, become inequality’s single most powerful engine. We need to slow that engine down.
Progressive Briefing for Tuesday, October 2
Amazon adopts $15 minimum wage, California bans animal-tested cosmetics and becomes first state to require women on corporate boards, and more.
America’s great strike waves have shaped the country. We can unleash another.
Erik Loomis’ "A History of America in Ten Strikes" is a powerful reminder of the need for worker militancy.
Progressive Briefing for Monday, October 1
Trump accused of rigging FBI's Kavanaugh probe, Sanders demands FBI investigate whether Kavanaugh committed perjury, Las Vegas strip to go dark on one-year anniversary of worst mass shooting in U.S. history, and more.
‘Horrific:’ In dead of night, Trump administration transferring children to tent camp with no...
"Please remember there are 13,000 migrant children in detention. We can't forget about them."
Men, we can do better
Survivors of sexual assault like Christine Blasey Ford deserve our support, not our opposition.
It’s up to you
Folks, our democracy depends on all of us – now more than ever. This November 6th, please do your part.
Progressive Briefing for Friday, September 28
Bar association calls for FBI probe into Kavanaugh, GOP governors call for delay in Kavanaugh vote, women react to Christine Blasey Ford's testimony, and more.
Americans work too much already
The Save American Workers Act would do nothing of the sort, but it would force many employees to log more hours.
Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, September 26
Bill Cosby sentenced to prison, UN condemns U.S. for lack of universal health care, Montana judge restores grizzly bears' protection, and more.