Big business won’t save us from itself
Nearly 200 CEOs have signed a pledge to “do better” than serving their own greed. How? They won’t say.
What George Carlin taught us about media propaganda by omission
George Carlin’s quip reminds us to demand the other score: the horrific cost of our unequal and unsustainable status quo.
Meet Alexander von Humboldt, the first person to understand climate change — more than...
As the world burns — and as kids sound the alarm — the original environmental scientist is worth revisiting.
Nearly 1,000 Amazon workers will walk out and join Global Climate Strike
"As a leader, we need to reach zero first and not be a company who slides in at the last possible deadline,”
Big Pharma is the most widely hated industry in the US
With drug prices continuing to sore and the ongoing opioid epidemic and lawsuits associated with it, the industry's rating likely will not recover any time soon.
Twisting, distorting the meaning of the Second Amendment
Will the American people allow these un-American entities to twist and bend the meaning of the Second Amendment so that it outweighs the critical need to significantly reduce the incidence of mass shootings?
Why shouldn’t accusations be admissible evidence?
By themselves, such accusations should not be conclusive evidence, but they should cast doubt on the perpetrator’s denial of bad acts in the present case.
Texas loosens gun restrictions less than a day after a mass shooting in the...
"We are the only country that struggled with gun violence at this level. Other countries respond to tragedy."
The 5 biggest corporate lies about unions
Don’t believe the corporate lies.
On Labor Day, US workers are 1/3 poorer than in 2003 & top 1%...
Since the government supplies services to people, and it can no longer afford to provide the same level of service, this “tax cut” is actually a tax on workers.