Victory: Trump administration back down withdraws proposal to restrict protest
This victory shows once again that if we unite and act in solidarity we can win.
Uprisings: From climate to austerity, autumn protests engulf the world
Solving the climate crisis with ambitious policy programs like Green New Deals might help to alleviate some of the suffering caused by the austerity that is breaking the backs of working people in rich and poor countries alike.
What will happen when robots take over?
The greatest danger is that we will not agree on a road to happiness but rather one that leads to division and despair.
Humanity is getting increasingly serious about enforcing animal rights protections all over the planet
The scene was heart-crushing: 21 dogs, many sick, wounded and infected, on heavy chains or trapped in filthy kennels with no food...
Hanoi Jane will save us all
As most people already know, Jane Fonda at age 81 moved to Washington, DC, and almost immediately began her #FireDrillFridays against climate...
Inequality is literally killing us
Again and again, studies show that the richer wealthy Americans become, the shorter the rest of us live.
Making national parks accessible to native people again
A violent, racist history has kept Native people off their ancestral lands for decades. How can we remove the barriers that still exist today?
Graphic: Yes, the richest Americans really do pay less in taxes
"Will we tolerate it? Or will we take back our democracy from the oligarchs who run this country?"
Why aren’t fossil fuel companies held accountable for missing and murdered indigenous women?
Resource extraction takes a toll on more than just the economy and the environment.
Gun violence research matters. Here’s why
Private and individual donors—and recently a few states—have been stepping into a federal funding void to finance gun violence research.