Why activism needs to be part of any meaningful climate education
Simply teaching kids about the science of the climate crisis isn’t enough. To prevent feelings of disempowerment, they need to see how they can make a meaningful impact.
For some Indigenous, COVID presents possibility of cultural extinction, says Myrna Cunningham
For Indigenous peoples, actions must be collective, not only individual.
Coming to terms with the abortion conflict and other matters
The point here is that we can and should discuss issues such as these openly and respectfully.
How conservatorships were used to exploit Native Americans
A lawyer explains this sordid history in light of the recent case of pop star Brittney Spears' conservatorship.
The socially responsible tech company: Can big tech be fixed?
having a diverse leadership serves the leaders and members of an organization as much as it does its users.
‘You only get what you’re organized to take’—lessons from the National Union of the...
“You can’t talk about the problems of poverty — the pain of it, the daily struggles to survive, the plight, the fight and the insight — without involving the newly emerging leaders from the growing ranks of the poor.”
Why America needs a national program of paid sick and family leave
America remains the only major industrialized country without a universal paid leave program.
Better family planning can improve public health, inequality and the environment
Smaller, more sustainable families would create massive long-term savings and catalyze sustainable development.
Regulating tech is only half the job: Changing the underlying attitudes is the real...
Culture is largely responsible for up to 80% and more of what goes on in organizations.
On America’s residential caste system—and how to abolish it
Are segregated U.S. cities organized as a residential caste system?