Bill, Melinda, and the burden of grand fortune
All relationships, not just romantic couplings, tend to be twisted by wealth.
Male voices dominate the news. Here’s how journalists and female experts can turn this...
You might expect the gender ratio of people quoted in the news would mirror the gender split of our society. But that's not the case.
South Africa ends captive lion breeding industry
“It’s a real win for wildlife. I think commitment for change is the most courageous step and the most important one.”
Violent anti-Asian fury as American as apple pie
Had Trump not denigrated an innocent Chinese population, there’d be no scourge of violence today against American citizens.
The unraveling of the American empire
U.S. leadership has stumbled from one military debacle to another, a trajectory mirroring the sad finales of other historical imperial powers.
What can we do to start civilizing our richest?
Worldwide, ever more of us are realizing we need a ceiling on what our greediest can grab.
Denis Halliday: A voice of reason in an insane world
Since 1998, Denis has been a powerful voice for peace and for human rights around the world.
Beyond COVID: The essential building blocks of a just world
The qualities inherent in this global cleansing are perennial principles that many hold dear: sharing, cooperation, tolerance, understanding.
Brothers EMpowered is building that village we all need to thrive
Charles Caine founded the community mentorship organization in 2014 to help men of color overcome the barriers in their lives and the lives in their communities.
How employers punish workers for forming unions
The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act would better protect workers from illegal bullying and retaliation during the organizing process.