College Bowl Games Become Corporate Money Games
College football bowl games are just another piece of our culture that's been purchased for the enrichment of corporate interests. Where did team spirit go?
Let’s reframe individual action as political strategy
“Minimum Viable Planet” is a weeklyish commentary about climateish stuff, and how to keep it together in a world gone mad.
Silence Please
In our competitive, loud world, silence is all too often regarded negatively and seen as something uncomfortable to be avoided, but can it be that silence is the key to harmony within our sociopolitical environment?
Judgment day for the national security state
The coronavirus and the real threats to American safety and freedom...
Net Neutrality, Back by Popular Demand
During the past two decades, as the Internet flourished and transformed our society, several major corporations have assumed dominant “gatekeeper” positions, threatening net neutrality. We must protect net neutrality.
Private fortunes vs. public education
That era of growing equality and expanding public education would start fading in the 1970s. Over recent years, a new U.S. Senate report makes clear, that fade has only intensified.
Harriet Tubman: Biden revives plan to put a black woman of faith on the...
Harriet Tubman once said that slavery was “the next thing to hell.” She helped many transcend that hell.
The good
They all saw beyond the illusions created by this current 'Everyone for themselves Capitalism on Steroids'. They did and they do good for the sake of, well, doing good!
As gov’t struggles to reunite families, detained mothers are organizing to find their kids
Mabel Gonzales has carefully documented the cases of mothers who have been separated from their children at a detention facility in El Paso, Texas, where she is currently jailed.
When disaster strikes, indigenous communities receive unequal recovery aid
“There are huge gaps in the way the federal government responds to tribes when a natural disaster occurs.”