Monday, March 10, 2025

Alabama passes near total ban on abortion as part of ‘Stealth Campaign’ to overturn...

Architects behind the legislation want to use it to challenge Roe v. Wade, which recognizes the constitutional right to an abortion.

Private fortunes vs. public education

That era of growing equality and expanding public education would start fading in the 1970s. Over recent years, a new U.S. Senate report makes clear, that fade has only intensified.

Eight NFL Scandals Worse Than ‘Deflategate’

Football has become America's pastime, but it's time the sports reporters start covering real NFL scandals and stop focusing on non-stories such as "deflategate." Here are a few leads for reporters to chase.

Fixing the language of journalism to reflect reality

Campaign ‘donations’ are bribes and the ‘Free’ World ain’t so free...

Harriet Tubman: Biden revives plan to put a black woman of faith on the...

Harriet Tubman once said that slavery was “the next thing to hell.” She helped many transcend that hell.

Not as simple as 1, 2, 3: Humanity has a surprisingly diverse understanding of...

Language plays an important role in understanding the concept of numbers.

As far right storms Capitol, media need to look at their own role in...

“Responsibility for this act of sedition lies squarely with the president, who has shown that his continued tenure in office poses a grave threat to U.S. democracy.”

After the civil rights era, white Americans failed to support systemic change to end...

More whites are willing to acknowledge white racial privilege, but only about one in eight support reparations to Blacks.

Why Indigenous-led management is integral to reconciliation and restoration efforts

Indigenous traditional knowledge has the potential to overturn western systems destined for doom.

Could ISIL Be Strengthened by U.S., French, Russian Bombing?

A conversation with longtime journalist Abdel Bari Atwan about how the bombings could backfire and help grow the Islamic State.