Friday, January 10, 2025

White makes ‘far’ right!!

Hey, Captain Ron, did you forget your ancestral roots? Shame on you!!!

Discontent by design

Like peace and love, such happiness rests within, it is the birthright of everyone, and yet, lost in the hollow world of consumption, competition and uncertainty many, if not most people, experience this inherent state fleetingly at best.

A Republican tried to introduce a commonsense gun law. Then the gun lobby got...

After a sheriff’s deputy was murdered in a Denver suburb, Colorado state Rep. Cole Wist took action by sponsoring a red flag bill. It likely cost him his seat. ProPublica spoke to Wist about the harsh realities of gun reform.

CPAC goes to Hungary

CPAC Hungary shows that a kind of far right international is forming.

Apologist for Tucker Carlson’s racism: Glenn Greenwald

These vehement defenses of the most influential media purveyor of the racist “replacement” theory are destructive efforts to launder hate by a once-admirable journalist.

Why Michigan public school parents might be too strong of a match for Betsy...

Parents in DeVos’s backyard tell right-wing radicals, “No thank you to divisive, partisan agendas in schools.”

When it comes to Guns, the US is a third world country run by...

Trump may have derided sh*thole countries, but he and his ilk are exactly the people who have turned America into one.

The struggle for what’s essential

Global mining companies have used the pandemic to push unwanted projects on vulnerable communities, who are fighting back — and sometimes winning.

Movements are vying for political power — is ‘co-governance’ the answer?

As the left increasingly focuses on electoral politics, a new framework is emerging for how candidates who win should partner with social movements.

Where are the men?

No more bystander boys in the post-Roe era.