Saturday, September 7, 2024
Image credit: Steven Depolo/Flickr

Ban BPA from all food and drink packaging

Sign the petition to ban BPA from all food and drink packaging.

Survey school systems for Monsanto’s dangerous chemicals

Sign the petition to survey school systems for Monsanto’s dangerous chemicals.
Demonstration outside the U.S. Supreme Court to bring attention to reconsideration of the Citizens United v. FEC decision. February 23, 2012. Image credit: Diego M. Radzinschi/THE NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL.

Overturn Citizens United

This petition is closed.

Make tax return disclosure a requirement for presidential elections

Sign the petition to make tax return disclosure a requirement for presidential elections.

Save the Renewable Fuel Standard

Sign the petition to tell the EPA to keep the Renewable Fuel Standard.

Protect the bats from lethal wind turbines

Sign the petition to tell the AWEA to make these changes so that we can save 90 percent of the bats rather than just 30 percent.

Repeal North Carolina’s anti-LGBT law

Sign the petition to tell Governor Roy Cooper to repeal North Carolina's anti-LGBT law.