This City Wants to Ban Junk Food From Vending Machines
New legislation would nix unhealthy items from property owned by the city of San Francisco.
Affordable Grocery Store Goes Organic And Bans Toxic Chemicals From Their Products
Aldi currently only has select stores open in the US, but roughly 500 more stores will be built in the US over the next two years as part of a $3 billion expansion.
Scientists Discover an Imperiled Bumblebee Bouncing Back in Unexpected Places
Western bumblebees remain in steep decline, but biologists believe they may be evolving to outwit a deadly parasite.
Court OKs the Destruction of Koala Habitat for a Giant Coal Mine
The Chinese-owned project could kill hundreds of the marsupials in one of Australia’s most fertile agricultural regions.
United Kingdom Proposes Soda Tax in Ongoing Fight Against Obesity
It’s a reversal by Prime Minister David Cameron, who previously rejected such a policy.
Poachers Killed More Than 1,000 Rhinos for the Third Year in a Row
South African officials report that fewer of the animals were poached in 2015, but deaths rose in neighboring Namibia and Zimbabwe.
Another Dead Whale Found With Plastic in Its Stomach
Sei whales are in so much danger from being hunted, poisoned by plastic pollution, and being entangled in fishing nets it’s no wonder there are only 12,000 left on the planet.
Muslim Woman Ejected from Trump Rally as Crowd Hurls Epithets
A Muslim woman wearing a shirt which read “Salam, I come in peace” was forcibly ejected from a Donald Trump rally Friday night as some supporters of the 2016 presidential candidate reportedly hurled Islamophobic epithets at her.
Homeless Activists Go Organic And Feed An Entire Shelter With Rooftop Garden
Activists in Atlanta are working with the homeless to produce healthy organic food instead of expecting donations.
Thousands Rally for Chicago Teachers as Banks vs. Schools Battle Rages
"We need the political leadership of the city to know that schools can't keep being the last priority."