Saturday, December 21, 2024

Poachers Killed More Than 1,000 Rhinos for the Third Year in a Row

South African officials report that fewer of the animals were poached in 2015, but deaths rose in neighboring Namibia and Zimbabwe.

Stop Polluting, or There Will Be More Plastic Than Fish in the Ocean by...

A new report finds that the volume of plastic trash is increasing and will outweigh all the fish in the world within 35 years.

March Against Monsanto Happening Everywhere May 21

"We will not stand for cronyism. We will not stand for poison. That’s why we March Against Monsanto."

One Mom Is on a Quest to Bring Organic Products to Babies of Color

The Brown Crayon Project is designed for ‘hair with character and skin with soul.’

5 Japanese-American Women Activists Left Out of U.S. History Books

A herstory lesson about five women whose World War II internment inspired them to action.

Another Dead Whale Found With Plastic in Its Stomach

Sei whales are in so much danger from being hunted, poisoned by plastic pollution, and being entangled in fishing nets it’s no wonder there are only 12,000 left on the planet.

France Approves Plan To Completely Ban Bee-Killing Pesticides

France's National Assembly just voted to totally ban this bee-killing pesticide.

New Evidence Suggests Monsanto Larvicide Is To Blame For Birth Defects in Brazil

Zika virus may not be the culprit in huge increase in microcephaly cases but, rather, Monsanto larvicide used in Brazilian water supply.

New Study: First Commercialized GM Crop Was Toxic to Farm Animals over Long-Term

This study reveals once again the urgent need for specific labeling of the identity and quantity of GMOs, especially in food and feed.

North Korea Confirms its First Hydrogen Nuclear Bomb Test

North Korean government has stated that the 5.1 magnitude quake event was a successful hydrogen nuclear bomb test.